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You can expect reasonable stability of the API documented here over the future releases of StepUp. (No hard promises, since StepUp is still very young.) Other parts of StepUp, not documented here, may undergo larger changes and are not intended to be API stable.

Basic API


Declare static paths.


  • *paths (str | Iterable[str], default: () ) –

    One or more static paths (files or directories), relative to the current working directory. Arguments may also be lists of strings.


  • ValueError

    When a file does not exist or there is an error with the trailing separator.


Environment variables in the paths will be substituted directly and amend the current step’s env_vars list, if needed. These substitutions will ignore changes to os.environ made in the calling script.

Source code in stepup/core/
def static(*paths: str | Iterable[str]):
    """Declare static paths.

        One or more static paths (files or directories),
        relative to the current working directory.
        Arguments may also be lists of strings.

        When a file does not exist or there is an error with the trailing separator.

    Environment variables in the `paths` will be
    substituted directly and amend the current step's env_vars list, if needed.
    These substitutions will ignore changes to `os.environ` made in the calling script.
    # Turn paths into one big list.
    _paths = paths
    paths = []
    for path in _paths:
        if isinstance(path, str):
        elif isinstance(path, Iterable):
    del _paths

    # Avoid empty RPC calls.
    if len(paths) > 0:
        # Perform env var substitutions.
        with subs_env_vars() as subs:
            su_paths = [subs(path) for path in paths]
        # Sanity checks
        # Translate paths to make them relative to the working directory of the director.
        tr_paths = sorted(translate(su_path) for su_path in su_paths)
        # Declare the missing and then confirm the files.
        to_check =, tr_paths)

stepup.core.api.glob(*patterns, _required=False, _defer=False, **subs)

Declare static paths through pattern matching.


  • *patterns (str, default: () ) –

    One or more patterns for static files or directories, relative to the current working directory. The patterns may contain (named) wildcards and one may specify the pattern for each named wildcard with the keyword arguments.

  • _required (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, an error will be raised when there are no matches.

  • _defer (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, static files are not added yet. Instead, the glob is installed in the workflow as a deferred glob. As soon as any file is needed as input and matches the pattern, it will be made static. This is not compatible with _required=True. Named wildcards are not supported in deferred globs.

  • **subs (str, default: {} ) –

    When using named wildcards, they will match the pattern * by default. Through the subs argument each name can be associated with another glob pattern. Names starting with underscores are not allowed.


  • FileNotFoundError

    when no matches were found and _required is True.


  • ngm

    An NGlobMulti instance holding all the matched (combinations of) paths. This object acts as an iterator. When named wildcards are used, it iterates over NGlobMatch instances. When using only anonymous wildcards, it iterates over unique paths. It also features ngm.matches() and ngm.files() iterators, with which the type of iterator can be overruled. Finally, one may also use ngm in conditional expressions: It evaluates to True if and only if it contains some matches.

    None is returned when _defer=True.


The combinatorics allow one to construct nested loops easily in one call. For unrelated patterns, it may be more efficient to use separate glob calls.

Environment variables in the patterns will be substituted directly and amend the current step’s env_vars list, if needed. These substitutions will ignore changes to os.environ made in the calling script.

Source code in stepup/core/
def glob(
    *patterns: str, _required: bool = False, _defer: bool = False, **subs: str
) -> NGlobMulti | None:
    """Declare static paths through pattern matching.

        One or more patterns for static files or directories,
        relative to the current working directory.
        The patterns may contain (named) wildcards and one
        may specify the pattern for each named wildcard with
        the keyword arguments.
        When True, an error will be raised when there are no matches.
        When True, static files are not added yet.
        Instead, the glob is installed in the workflow as a deferred glob.
        As soon as any file is needed as input and matches the pattern,
        it will be made static.
        This is not compatible with `_required=True`.
        Named wildcards are not supported in deferred globs.
        When using named wildcards, they will match the pattern `*` by default.
        Through the subs argument each name can be associated with another glob pattern.
        Names starting with underscores are not allowed.

        when no matches were found and _required is True.

        An `NGlobMulti` instance holding all the matched (combinations of) paths.
        This object acts as an iterator.
        When named wildcards are used, it iterates over `NGlobMatch` instances.
        When using only anonymous wildcards, it iterates over unique paths.
        It also features `ngm.matches()` and `ngm.files()` iterators,
        with which the type of iterator can be overruled.
        Finally, one may also use ngm in conditional expressions:
        It evaluates to True if and only if it contains some matches.

        `None` is returned when `_defer=True`.

    The combinatorics allow one to construct nested loops easily in one call.
    For unrelated patterns, it may be more efficient to use separate `glob` calls.

    Environment variables in the `patterns` will be
    substituted directly and amend the current step's env_vars list, if needed.
    These substitutions will ignore changes to `os.environ` made in the calling script.
    if len(patterns) == 0:
        raise ValueError("At least one path is required for glob.")
    if any(name.startswith("_") for name in subs):
        raise ValueError("Substitutions cannot have names starting with underscores.")

    # Substitute environment variables
    with subs_env_vars() as subs_path:
        su_patterns = [subs_path(pattern) for pattern in patterns]

    tr_patterns = [translate(su_pattern) for su_pattern in su_patterns]
    if _defer:
        if _required:
            raise ValueError("Combination of options not supported: _defer=True, _required=True")
        if len(subs) > 0:
            raise ValueError("Named wildcards are not supported in deferred globs.")
        to_check =, tr_patterns)
        return None

    # Collect all matches
    nglob_multi = NGlobMulti.from_patterns(su_patterns, subs)
    if _required and len(nglob_multi.results) == 0:
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find any matching paths on the filesystem.")

    # Send static paths
    static_paths = nglob_multi.files()
    if len(static_paths) > 0:
        tr_static_paths = [translate(static_path) for static_path in static_paths]
        to_check =, tr_static_paths)

    # Translate all the nglob matches with matching paths and send to the director.
    tr_all_paths = [
        for nglob_single in nglob_multi.nglob_singles
        for paths in nglob_single.results.values()
        for path in paths
    ], tr_patterns, subs, tr_all_paths)

    # Done
    return nglob_multi

stepup.core.api.step(command, *, inp=(), env=(), out=(), vol=(), workdir='./', optional=False, pool=None, block=False)

Add a step to the build graph.


  • command (str) –

    Command to execute (in the working directory of the director).

  • inp (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    File(s) required by the step. Relative paths are assumed to be relative to workdir. Can be files or directories (trailing slash).

  • env (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Environment variable(s) to which the step is sensitive. If they change, or when they are (un)defined, the step digest will change, such that the step cannot be skipped.

  • out (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    File(s) created by the step. Relative paths are assumed to be relative to workdir. These can be files or directories (trailing slash).

  • vol (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Volatile file(s) created by the step Relative paths are assumed to be relative to workdir. Directories are not allowed.

  • workdir (str, default: './' ) –

    The directory where the command must be executed. A trailing slash is added when not present. If this is a relative path, it is relative to the work directory of the caller. (The default is the current directory.)

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    When set to True, the step is only executed when required by other mandatory steps.

  • pool (str | None, default: None ) –

    If given, the execution of this step is restricted to the pool with the given name. The maximum number of parallel steps running in this pool is determined by the pool size.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    When set to True, the step will always remain pending. This can be used to temporarily prevent part of the workflow from being executed.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


Environment variables in the workdir, inp, out and vol paths and workdir will be substituted directly and amend the current step’s env_vars list, if needed. These substitutions will ignore changes to os.environ made in the calling script.

Before sending the step to the director the variables ${inp}, ${out} and ${vol} in the command are substituted by white-space concatenated list of inp, out and vol, respectively. Relative paths in inp, out and vol are relative to the working directory of the new step.

Source code in stepup/core/
def step(
    command: str,
    inp: Collection[str] | str = (),
    env: Collection[str] | str = (),
    out: Collection[str] | str = (),
    vol: Collection[str] | str = (),
    workdir: str = "./",
    optional: bool = False,
    pool: str | None = None,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Add a step to the build graph.

        Command to execute (in the working directory of the director).
        File(s) required by the step.
        Relative paths are assumed to be relative to `workdir`.
        Can be files or directories (trailing slash).
        Environment variable(s) to which the step is sensitive.
        If they change, or when they are (un)defined, the step digest will change,
        such that the step cannot be skipped.
        File(s) created by the step.
        Relative paths are assumed to be relative to `workdir`.
        These can be files or directories (trailing slash).
        Volatile file(s) created by the step
        Relative paths are assumed to be relative to `workdir`.
        Directories are not allowed.
        The directory where the command must be executed.
        A trailing slash is added when not present.
        If this is a relative path, it is relative to the work directory of the caller.
        (The default is the current directory.)
        When set to True, the step is only executed when required by other mandatory steps.
        If given, the execution of this step is restricted to the pool with the given name.
        The maximum number of parallel steps running in this pool is determined by the pool size.
        When set to True, the step will always remain pending.
        This can be used to temporarily prevent part of the workflow from being executed.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    Environment variables in the `workdir`, `inp`, `out` and `vol` paths and workdir will be
    substituted directly and amend the current step's env_vars list, if needed.
    These substitutions will ignore changes to `os.environ` made in the calling script.

    Before sending the step to the director the variables `${inp}`, `${out}` and `${vol}`
    in the command are substituted by white-space concatenated list of `inp`, `out` and
    `vol`, respectively.
    Relative paths in `inp`, `out` and `vol` are relative to the working directory of the new step.
    # Pre-process the arguments for the Director process.
    inp_paths = _str_to_list(inp)
    env_vars = _str_to_list(env)
    out_paths = _str_to_list(out)
    vol_paths = _str_to_list(vol)
    if not workdir.endswith("/"):
        workdir = f"{workdir}/"
    amended_env_vars = set()
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        su_inp_paths = [subs(inp_path) for inp_path in inp_paths]
        su_out_paths = [subs(out_path) for out_path in out_paths]
        su_vol_paths = [subs(vol_path) for vol_path in vol_paths]
        su_workdir = subs(workdir)
    tr_inp_paths = [translate(inp_path, su_workdir) for inp_path in su_inp_paths]
    tr_out_paths = [translate(out_path, su_workdir) for out_path in su_out_paths]
    tr_vol_paths = [translate(vol_path, su_workdir) for vol_path in su_vol_paths]
    tr_workdir = translate(su_workdir)
    # Substitute paths that are translated back to the current directory.
    command = CaseSensitiveTemplate(command).safe_substitute(

    # Finally create the step.
    to_check =

    # Check the existence of files matching deferred globs.

    # Return a StepInfo instance to facilitate the definition of follow-up steps
    return StepInfo(command, tr_workdir, su_inp_paths, env_vars, su_out_paths, su_vol_paths)

stepup.core.api.pool(name, size)

Define a pool with given size or change an existing pool size.


  • name (str) –

    The name of the pool.

  • size (int) –

    The pool size.

Source code in stepup/core/
def pool(name: str, size: int):
    """Define a pool with given size or change an existing pool size.

        The name of the pool.
        The pool size.
    """, name, size)

stepup.core.api.amend(*, inp=(), env=(), out=(), vol=())

Specify additional inputs and outputs from within a running step.


  • inp (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Files required by the step. Can be files or directories (trailing slash).

  • env (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Environment variables to which the step is sensitive. If the change, or when they are (un)defined, the step digest will change, such that the step is not skipped when these variables change.

  • out (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Files created by the step. Can be files or directories (trailing slash).

  • vol (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    Volatile files created by the step. Can be files or directories (trailing slash).


  • InputNotFoundError

    When amended inputs are not available yet. There is no need to catch this exception. Instead, just let it fail the calling script, so that it can be rescheduled for later execution. The director has been informed that some of the amended inputs were not available yet.


Environment variables in the inp, out and vol paths are substituted in the same way as in the step() function. The used variables are added to the env_vars argument.

Always call amend before using the input files and before creating the output and volatile files.

Source code in stepup/core/
def amend(
    inp: Collection[str] | str = (),
    env: Collection[str] | str = (),
    out: Collection[str] | str = (),
    vol: Collection[str] | str = (),
    """Specify additional inputs and outputs from within a running step.

        Files required by the step.
        Can be files or directories (trailing slash).
        Environment variables to which the step is sensitive.
        If the change, or when they are (un)defined, the step digest will change,
        such that the step is not skipped when these variables change.
        Files created by the step.
        Can be files or directories (trailing slash).
        Volatile files created by the step.
        Can be files or directories (trailing slash).

        When amended inputs are not available yet.
        There is no need to catch this exception.
        Instead, just let it fail the calling script,
        so that it can be rescheduled for later execution.
        The director has been informed that some of the amended inputs were not available yet.

    Environment variables in the `inp`, `out` and `vol` paths are substituted in the same way
    as in the `step()` function. The used variables are added to the env_vars argument.

    Always call amend before using the input files
    and before creating the output and volatile files.
    # Pre-process the arguments for the Director process.
    inp_paths = _str_to_list(inp)
    env_vars = _str_to_list(env)
    out_paths = _str_to_list(out)
    vol_paths = _str_to_list(vol)
    if all(len(collection) == 0 for collection in [inp_paths, env_vars, out_paths, vol_paths]):
    env_vars = set(env_vars)
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        su_inp_paths = [subs(inp_path) for inp_path in inp_paths]
        tr_inp_paths = [translate(inp_path) for inp_path in su_inp_paths]
        tr_out_paths = [translate(subs(out_path)) for out_path in out_paths]
        tr_vol_paths = [translate(subs(vol_path)) for vol_path in vol_paths]

    # Finally, amend for real.
    step_key = _get_step_key()
    amend_result =
    if amend_result is not None:
        keep_going, to_check = amend_result
        if keep_going is False:
            raise InputNotFoundError("Amended inputs are not available yet.")
        _check_deferred(to_check, step_key)
    # Double check that all inputs are indeed present.


Get the information of the current step.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps. For consistency with other functions in this module, the inp, out and vol paths are relative to the working directory of the step.

Source code in stepup/core/
def getinfo() -> StepInfo:
    """Get the information of the current step.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
        For consistency with other functions in this module, the `inp`, `out` and `vol`
        paths are relative to the working directory of the step.
    step_info =
    # Update paths to make them relative to the working directory of the step.
    step_info.inp = sorted(translate.back(inp) for inp in step_info.inp)
    step_info.out = sorted(translate.back(out) for out in step_info.out)
    step_info.vol = sorted(translate.back(vol) for vol in step_info.vol)
    # Filter required directorie out of the inputs.
    reqdirs = {myparent(path) for path in step_info.out}
    reqdirs.update({myparent(path) for path in step_info.vol})
    step_info.inp = [path for path in step_info.inp if path not in reqdirs]
    return step_info

Composite API

stepup.core.api.plan(subdir, *, inp=(), env=(), out=(), vol=(), optional=False, pool=None, block=False)

Run a script in a subdirectory.


  • subdir (str) –

    The subdirectory in which another script can be found. The file must be executable and have #!/usr/bin/env python3 as its first line. A trailing slash is added when not present.

  • inp (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

  • env (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

  • out (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

  • vol (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.) Use with care, since the nodes created by plan script will be unknown upfront and cannot therefore imply the necessity of an optional plan step.

  • pool (str | None, default: None ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information. (Rarely needed for planning steps.)


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/core/
def plan(
    subdir: str,
    inp: Collection[str] | str = (),
    env: Collection[str] | str = (),
    out: Collection[str] | str = (),
    vol: Collection[str] | str = (),
    optional: bool = False,
    pool: str | None = None,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Run a `` script in a subdirectory.

        The subdirectory in which another `` script can be found.
        The file must be executable and have `#!/usr/bin/env python3` as its first line.
        A trailing slash is added when not present.
    inp, env, out, vol
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        (Rarely needed for planning steps.)
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        (Rarely needed for planning steps.)
        Use with care, since the nodes created by plan script will be unknown upfront
        and cannot therefore imply the necessity of an optional plan step.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        (Rarely needed for planning steps.)
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        (Rarely needed for planning steps.)

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        subdir = subs(subdir)
    return step(
        inp=["", *_str_to_list(inp)],

stepup.core.api.copy(src, dst, *, optional=False, block=False)

Add a step that copies a file.


  • src (str) –

    This must be a file. Environment variables are substituted.

  • dst (str) –

    This can be a file or a directory. Environment variables are substituted. If it is a directory, it must have a trailing slash.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, the file is only copied when needed as input for another step.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/core/
def copy(src: str, dst: str, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False) -> StepInfo:
    """Add a step that copies a file.

        This must be a file. Environment variables are substituted.
        This can be a file or a directory. Environment variables are substituted.
        If it is a directory, it must have a trailing slash.
        When True, the file is only copied when needed as input for another step.
        When True, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    amended_env_vars = set()
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        src = subs(src)
        dst = subs(dst)
    path_src = mynormpath(src)
    path_dst = make_path_out(src, dst, None)
    return step("cp -aT ${inp} ${out}", inp=path_src, out=path_dst, optional=optional, block=block)

stepup.core.api.mkdir(dirname, *, optional=False, block=False)

Make a directory.


  • dirname (str) –

    The director to create. A trailing slash is added when not present. Environment variables are substituted.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, the directory is only created when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    When True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/core/
def mkdir(dirname: str, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False) -> StepInfo:
    """Make a directory.

        The director to create.
        A trailing slash is added when not present.
        Environment variables are substituted.
        When True, the directory is only created when needed by other steps.
        When True, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    amended_env_vars = set()
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        dirname = subs(dirname)
    if not dirname.endswith("/"):
        dirname += "/"
    dirname = mynormpath(dirname)
    return step(f"mkdir -p {dirname}", out=dirname, optional=optional, block=block)

stepup.core.api.getenv(name, default=None, *, path=False, back=False, multi=False)

Get an environment variable and amend the current step with the variable name.


  • name (str) –

    The name of the environment variable, which is retrieved with os.getenv.

  • default (Path | str | None, default: None ) –

    The value to return when the environment variable is unset.

  • path (bool, default: False ) –

    Set to True if the variable taken from the environment is assumed to be a path. A Path instance will be returned. Shell variables are substituted (once) in such paths.

  • back (bool, default: False ) –

    Set to True to translate the path back to the working directory of the caller. If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the StepUp’s working directory. It will be translated to become relative to the working directory of the caller. This implies path=True.

  • multi (bool, default: False ) –

    Set to True if the variable is a list of paths. The paths are split on the colon character and returned as a list of Path instances. This implies path=True.


  • value

    The value of the environment variable. If path is set to True, this is a Path instance. If back is set to True, this is a translated Path instance. If multi is set to True, this is a list of Path instances. Otherwise, the result is a string.


The optional arguments of this function have changed in StepUp 2.0.0.

Source code in stepup/core/
def getenv(
    name: str,
    default: Path | str | None = None,
    path: bool = False,
    back: bool = False,
    multi: bool = False,
) -> str | Path | list[Path]:
    """Get an environment variable and amend the current step with the variable name.

        The name of the environment variable, which is retrieved with `os.getenv`.
        The value to return when the environment variable is unset.
        Set to True if the variable taken from the environment is assumed to be a path.
        A Path instance will be returned.
        Shell variables are substituted (once) in such paths.
        Set to True to translate the path back to the working directory of the caller.
        If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the StepUp's working directory.
        It will be translated to become relative to the working directory of the caller.
        This implies `path=True`.
        Set to True if the variable is a list of paths.
        The paths are split on the colon character and returned as a list of `Path` instances.
        This implies `path=True`.

        The value of the environment variable.
        If `path` is set to `True`, this is a `Path` instance.
        If `back` is set to `True`, this is a translated `Path` instance.
        If `multi` is set to `True`, this is a list of `Path` instances.
        Otherwise, the result is a string.

    The optional arguments of this function have changed in StepUp 2.0.0.
    path = path or back or multi
    value = os.getenv(name, default)
    if multi:
        if value is None:
            return []
        value = [item.strip() for item in value.split(":")]
        with subs_env_vars() as subs:
            value = [subs(item) for item in value if len(item) > 0]
        if back:
            value = [translate.back(item) for item in value if len(item) > 0]
    elif path:
        if value is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Undefined shell variable: {name}. Cannot create path.")
        with subs_env_vars() as subs:
            value = subs(value)
        if back:
            value = translate.back(value)
    return value, *, prefix=None, fmt='auto', inp=None, env=(), out=None, vol=(), workdir='./', optional=False, pool=None, block=False, pars=None, **kwargs)

Call an executable with a set of serialized arguments.

This function assumes that the executable implements StepUp’s call protocol.


  • executable (str) –

    The path of a local executable script to call. Environment variables are substituted. The path of the executable is assumed to be relative to this directory.

  • prefix (str | None, default: None ) –

    The prefix used to construct filenames of the input (serialized arguments) and optionally output file (serialized return value). If absent, the prefix is the stem of the executable.

  • fmt (str, default: 'auto' ) –

    The format used for serialization of arguments (and optionally return values). Can be "auto", "json" or "pickle". In case "auto", the "json" format is used, unless that fails, then "pickle" is used as the fallback option. If input or output files are given, the format is deduced from their extension.

  • inp (Sequence | str | bool | None, default: None ) –

    The path of the input file:

    • If None: The arguments are JSON serialized and passed to the script on the command line. If the types of the keyword arguments are incompatible with JSON, a pickle file is created whose filename is derived from prefix.
    • If True: an input file is always written to a path derived from prefix and fmt, even if no keyword arguments are given.
    • If str: an input file is written if some extra **kwargs are given, and fmt is deduced from the extension. Without keyword arguments, the input file is assumed to be the output of another step.
    • If Sequence, the first item is used according to one of the previous points, depending on its type. Remaining items are add to the inp argument of the step() function, and are added to kwargs['inp'].
  • env (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • out (Sequence | str | bool | None, default: None ) –

    The path of the output file:

    • If None: the script may write an output file. (This is the most flexible option.) The output path is derived from prefix and fmt. The script is called with arguments --out={path_out} and --amend-out, so the script can decide whether to write the output file.
    • If str: the script is called with the argument --out={path_out} and is expected to create this output file unconditionally. (No amend(out=path_out) is needed.)
    • If True, similar to the previous, except that the output path is derived from prefix and fmt.
    • If False, the script is not called with --out and is not expected to write an output file. (This is useful to keep things minimal.)
    • If Sequence, the first item is used according one of the previous points, depending on its type. Remaining items are add to the out argument of the step() function, and are added to kwargs['out'].
  • vol (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • workdir (str, default: './' ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • pool (str | None, default: None ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • pars (dict[str] | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary with additional parameters for the script. They will be merged with the arguments in kwargs. (This can be useful to pass arguments whose name coincide with the arguments above.)

  • kwargs

    If given, these are serialized to the input file. If absent, no input file is written unless inp is True.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


This is an experimental feature introduced in StepUp 2.0.0. It may undergo significant revisions in future 2.x releases.

When the inp, env, out and vol arguments contain items, they are also included in the keyword arguments passed to the script. However, they do not count as extra keyword arguments to determine if an input file must be written when inp is a string or a sequence of strings.

When using the call protocol, it is recommended to add the following lines to .gitignore:

Source code in stepup/core/
def call(
    executable: str,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    fmt: str = "auto",
    inp: Sequence | str | bool | None = None,
    env: Collection[str] | str = (),
    out: Sequence | str | bool | None = None,
    vol: Collection[str] | str = (),
    workdir: str = "./",
    optional: bool = False,
    pool: str | None = None,
    block: bool = False,
    pars: dict[str] | None = None,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Call an executable with a set of serialized arguments.

    This function assumes that the executable implements StepUp's
    [call protocol](../getting_started/

        The path of a local executable script to call.
        Environment variables are substituted.
        The path of the executable is assumed to be relative to this directory.
        The prefix used to construct filenames of the input (serialized arguments)
        and optionally output file (serialized return value).
        If absent, the prefix is the stem of the executable.
        The format used for serialization of arguments (and optionally return values).
        Can be `"auto"`, `"json"` or `"pickle"`.
        In case `"auto"`, the `"json"` format is used,
        unless that fails, then `"pickle"` is used as the fallback option.
        If input or output files are given, the format is deduced from their extension.
        The path of the input file:

        - If `None`: The arguments are JSON serialized and passed to the script on the command line.
          If the types of the keyword arguments are incompatible with JSON,
          a pickle file is created whose filename is derived from `prefix`.
        - If `True`: an input file is always written to a path derived from `prefix` and `fmt`,
          even if no keyword arguments are given.
        - If `str`: an input file is written if some extra `**kwargs` are given,
          and `fmt` is deduced from the extension.
          Without keyword arguments, the input file is assumed to be the output of another step.
        - If `Sequence`, the first item is used according to one of the previous points,
          depending on its type.
          Remaining items are add to the `inp` argument of the `step()` function,
          and are added to `kwargs['inp']`.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        The path of the output file:

        - If `None`: the script may write an output file. (This is the most flexible option.)
          The output path is derived from `prefix` and `fmt`.
          The script is called with arguments `--out={path_out}` and `--amend-out`,
          so the script can decide whether to write the output file.
        - If `str`: the script is called with the argument `--out={path_out}`
          and is expected to create this output file unconditionally.
          (No `amend(out=path_out)` is needed.)
        - If `True`, similar to the previous, except that
          the output path is derived from `prefix` and `fmt`.
        - If `False`, the script is not called with `--out`
          and is not expected to write an output file.
          (This is useful to keep things minimal.)
        - If `Sequence`, the first item is used according one of the previous points,
          depending on its type.
          Remaining items are add to the `out` argument of the `step()` function,
          and are added to `kwargs['out']`.

        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        A dictionary with additional parameters for the script.
        They will be merged with the arguments in `kwargs`.
        (This can be useful to pass arguments whose name coincide with the arguments above.)
        If given, these are serialized to the input file.
        If absent, no input file is written unless `inp` is `True`.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    This is an experimental feature introduced in StepUp 2.0.0.
    It may undergo significant revisions in future 2.x releases.

    When the `inp`, `env`, `out` and `vol` arguments contain items,
    they are also included in the keyword arguments passed to the script.
    However, they do not count as extra keyword arguments to determine if an input file
    must be written when `inp` is a string or a sequence of strings.

    When using the call protocol, it is recommended to add the following lines to `.gitignore`:

    # Preprocess inp and out in case they are lists.
    if not isinstance(inp, str) and isinstance(inp, Sequence):
        other_inp = inp[1:]
        inp = inp[0]
        other_inp = []
    if not isinstance(out, str) and isinstance(out, Sequence):
        other_out = out[1:]
        out = out[0]
        other_out = []

    if fmt not in ["auto", "json", "pickle"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid format for serialization of arguments: {fmt}.")
    if inp not in [None, True] and not isinstance(inp, str):
        raise ValueError("Invalid value for _inp. Must be None, True, str or Sequence[str].")
    if not (out in [None, True, False] or isinstance(out, str)):
        raise ValueError("Invalid value for _out. Must be None, True, False, str or Sequence[str].")
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = Path(executable).stem
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        executable = subs(executable)
        workdir = subs(workdir)

    # Determine the format from given filenames
    if (isinstance(inp, str) or isinstance(out, str)) and fmt != "auto":
        raise ValueError("When specifying input or output files, the format cannot be set.")
    if fmt == "auto":
        if isinstance(inp, str):
            fmt = Path(inp).suffix[1:]
        elif isinstance(out, str):
            fmt = Path(out).suffix[1:]

    # Write the input file
    serial = None
    if pars is not None:
    if len(other_inp) > 0:
        kwargs.setdefault("inp", []).extend(other_inp)
    if len(other_out) > 0:
        kwargs.setdefault("out", []).extend(other_out)
    if len(kwargs) > 0:
        if fmt in ["json", "auto"]:
                serial = json.dumps(kwargs, indent=None if inp is None else 2)
                fmt = "json"
            except TypeError:
                if fmt == "auto":
                    fmt = "pickle"
        if fmt == "pickle":
            serial = pickle.dumps(kwargs)

    if fmt == "auto":
        fmt = "json"
    if fmt not in ["json", "pickle"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid format for serialization of arguments: {fmt}.")

    # Prepare arguments for the step function
    step_kwargs = {
        "inp": [*other_inp],
        "env": env,
        "out": [*other_out],
        "vol": vol,
        "workdir": workdir,
        "optional": optional,
        "pool": pool,
        "block": block,

    # Input handling
    command = format_command(executable)
    path_inp = f"{prefix}_inp.{fmt}" if ((fmt == "pickle" and inp is None) or inp is True) else inp
    if serial is not None:
        # Provide input some way.
        if path_inp is None:
            command += " " + shlex.quote(serial)
            if isinstance(serial, str):
                with open(path_inp, "w") as fh:
                with open(path_inp, "bw") as fh:
    if isinstance(path_inp, str):
        # There is an input file, either created here or elsewhere.
        step_kwargs["inp"].insert(0, path_inp)
        command += f" --inp={shlex.quote(path_inp)}"

    # Output handling
    path_out = f"{prefix}_out.{fmt}" if (out is None or out is True) else out
    if isinstance(path_out, str):
        # The output file is created here.
        command += f" --out={shlex.quote(path_out)}"
        if out is None:
            command += " --amend-out"
            step_kwargs["out"].insert(0, path_out)

    # Finally, create a step
    step_kwargs.setdefault("inp", []).append(executable)
    return step(command, **step_kwargs)

stepup.core.api.script(executable, *, step_info=None, inp=(), env=(), out=(), vol=(), workdir='./', optional=False, pool=None, block=False)

Run the executable with a single argument plan in a working directory.

This function assumes that the executable implements StepUp’s script protocol.


  • executable (str) –

    The path of a local executable that will be called with the argument plan. The file must be executable. The path of the script is assumed to be relative to this directory.

  • step_info (str | None, default: None ) –

    When given, the steps generated in the plan part of the executable are written to this step_info file. (See stepup.core.stepinfo module for the file format.) This filename is relative to the work directory.

  • inp (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • env (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • out (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • vol (Collection[str] | str, default: () ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • workdir (str, default: './' ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • pool (str | None, default: None ) –

    See the step() function for more information.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    See the step() function for more information.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

  • The arguments inp, env, out, vol and pool are rarely needed for script steps. They only apply to the plan stage of the script, not the run stage.
  • The inp argument may be useful when the planning is configured by some input files.
  • The optional argument never applies to the plan stage, and is passed on the the run stage.
Source code in stepup/core/
def script(
    executable: str,
    step_info: str | None = None,
    inp: Collection[str] | str = (),
    env: Collection[str] | str = (),
    out: Collection[str] | str = (),
    vol: Collection[str] | str = (),
    workdir: str = "./",
    optional: bool = False,
    pool: str | None = None,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Run the executable with a single argument `plan` in a working directory.

    This function assumes that the executable implements StepUp's
    [script protocol](../getting_started/

        The path of a local executable that will be called with the argument `plan`.
        The file must be executable.
        The path of the script is assumed to be relative to this directory.
        When given, the steps generated in the plan part of the executable are written
        to this `step_info` file. (See [stepup.core.stepinfo][] module for the file format.)
        This filename is relative to the work directory.
    inp, env, out, vol
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.
        See the [`step()`][stepup.core.api.step] function for more information.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    - The arguments `inp`, `env`, `out`, `vol` and `pool` are rarely needed for script steps.
      They only apply to the plan stage of the script, not the run stage.
    - The `inp` argument may be useful when the planning is configured by some input files.
    - The optional argument never applies to the plan stage,
      and is passed on the the run stage.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        executable = subs(executable)
        workdir = subs(workdir)
    command = format_command(executable) + " plan"
    out = _str_to_list(out)
    if step_info is not None:
        command += " --step-info=" + shlex.quote(step_info)
    if optional:
        command += " --optional"
    inp = _str_to_list(inp)
    return step(
        command, inp=inp, env=env, out=out, vol=vol, workdir=workdir, pool=pool, block=block

Utilities for API extensions


A context manager for substituting environment variables and tracking the used variables.

The context manager yields a function, subs, which takes a string with variables and returns the substituted form. All used variables are recorded and sent to the director with amend(env=...). For example:

with subs_env_vars() as subs:
    path_inp = subs(path_inp)
    path_out = subs(path_out)

This function may be used in other API functions to substitute environment variables in all relevant paths.

Source code in stepup/core/
def subs_env_vars() -> Iterator[Callable[[str | None], str | None]]:
    """A context manager for substituting environment variables and tracking the used variables.

    The context manager yields a function, `subs`, which takes a string with variables and
    returns the substituted form.
    All used variables are recorded and sent to the director with `amend(env=...)`.
    For example:

    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_inp = subs(path_inp)
        path_out = subs(path_out)

    This function may be used in other API functions to substitute environment variables in
    all relevant paths.
    env_vars = set()

    def subs(path: str | None) -> Path | None:
        if path is None:
            return None
        template = CaseSensitiveTemplate(path)
        if not template.is_valid():
            raise ValueError("The path contains invalid shell variable identifiers.")
        mapping = {}
        for name in template.get_identifiers():
            if name.startswith("*"):
                mapping[name] = f"${{{name}}}"
                value = os.getenv(name)
                if value is None:
                    raise ValueError(f"Undefined shell variable: {name}")
                mapping[name] = value
        result = path if len(mapping) == 0 else template.substitute(mapping)
        return mynormpath(result)

    yield subs