Static Named Glob¶
Conventional glob patterns support a handful of different wildcards. For advanced use cases, StepUp also supports an in-house extension called “named glob”. For example, the following pattern will only match files with matching strings at the placeholders.
The following will match:
The following won’t:
Named globs are often useful when working with files distributed over multiple directories, each having a central file that repeats a part of the directory name.
Example source files: docs/advanced_topics/static_named_glob/
In the example below, each directory represents a chapter from course notes, containing source files for individual sections. In a realistic setting, one could envision building a PDF presentations from LaTeX sources instead. To keep the example independent of StepUp RepRep, text files will be copied to Markdown files, which will then be concatenated.
Create the following directory layout with markdown files:
Create the following
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.api import copy, glob, mkdir, step
# Make all chapter directories static
# Enforce consistent chapter numbers throughout the match,
# ignoring inconsistent txt files.
md_chapter = {}
for match in glob("ch${*ch}/sec${*ch}_${*sec}_${*name}.txt", ch="[0-9]", sec="[0-9]"):
path_txt = match.single
path_md = path_txt[:-3] + "md"
copy(path_txt, path_md)
md_chapter.setdefault(, []).append(path_md)
# Concatenate all markdown files per chapter
for ch, paths_md in md_chapter.items():
step("cat ${inp} > ${out}", inp=paths_md, out=f"public/ch{ch}.md")
Note that the substrings matching the named glob patterns are accessible as attributes of
the NGlobMatch
For example,
is the chapter number (as a string).
Make the plan executable and run StepUp:
You should get the following output:
DIRECTOR │ Listening on /tmp/stepup-########/director (StepUp 2.0.4)
STARTUP │ (Re)initialized boot script
DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 0
PHASE │ run
START │ ./
START │ cp -aT ch1/sec1_1_introduction.txt ch1/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch1/sec1_1_introduction.txt ch1/
START │ cp -aT ch1/sec1_2_objectives.txt ch1/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch1/sec1_2_objectives.txt ch1/
START │ cp -aT ch2/sec2_1_mathematical_requisites.txt ch2/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch2/sec2_1_mathematical_requisites.txt ch2/
START │ cp -aT ch2/sec2_2_theory.txt ch2/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch2/sec2_2_theory.txt ch2/
START │ cp -aT ch3/sec3_1_applications.txt ch3/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch3/sec3_1_applications.txt ch3/
START │ cp -aT ch3/sec3_2_discussion.txt ch3/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch3/sec3_2_discussion.txt ch3/
START │ cp -aT ch4/sec4_1_summary.txt ch4/
SUCCESS │ cp -aT ch4/sec4_1_summary.txt ch4/
START │ mkdir -p public/
SUCCESS │ mkdir -p public/
START │ cat ch1/ ch1/ > public/
SUCCESS │ cat ch1/ ch1/ > public/
START │ cat ch2/ ch2/ > public/
SUCCESS │ cat ch2/ ch2/ > public/
START │ cat ch3/ ch3/ > public/
SUCCESS │ cat ch3/ ch3/ > public/
START │ cat ch4/ > public/
SUCCESS │ cat ch4/ > public/
DIRECTOR │ Trying to delete 0 outdated output(s).
DIRECTOR │ Stopping workers.
DIRECTOR │ See you!