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Amending Static Inputs

Occasionally, it may be convenient to declare a static file and then use it as input in the same script. As of StepUp 1.2.0, this is allowed and no longer treated as a cyclic dependency.


Create the following, which declares a static file, amends it as input, and then opens it to print it to the standard output.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.api import amend, static

with open("config.txt") as fh:

Also create a config.txt file with some contents.

In more realistic scenarios, config.txt may be used to decide which steps to add etc. For a more elaborate example, take a look at the that is used to run all tutorial examples.

Make executable and run it as follows:

chmod +x
stepup -n 1

You should get the following terminal output:

  DIRECTOR │ Listening on /tmp/stepup-########/director (StepUp 2.0.4)
   STARTUP │ (Re)initialized boot script
  DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 0
     PHASE │ run
     START │ ./
   SUCCESS │ ./
─────────────────────────────── Standard output ────────────────────────────────
This is a config file.
  DIRECTOR │ Trying to delete 0 outdated output(s).
  DIRECTOR │ Stopping workers.
  DIRECTOR │ See you!