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Application programming interface for StepUp RepRep.

add_notes_pdf(path_src, path_notes, path_dst, optional=False, block=False)

Add a notes page at every even page of a PDF file.


  • path_src (str) –

    The original PDF document without notes pages.

  • path_notes (str) –

    A single-page PDF document with a page suitable for taking notes.

  • path_dst (str) –

    The output PDF with notes pages inserted.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def add_notes_pdf(
    path_src: str, path_notes: str, path_dst: str, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False
) -> StepInfo:
    """Add a notes page at every even page of a PDF file.

        The original PDF document without notes pages.
        A single-page PDF document with a page suitable for taking notes.
        The output PDF with notes pages inserted.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    return step(
        "rr-add-notes-pdf ${inp} ${out}",
        inp=[path_src, path_notes],

cat_pdf(paths_inp, path_out, *, insert_blank=False, optional=False, block=False)

Concatenate the pages of multiple PDFs into one document


  • paths_inp (Collection[str]) –

    The input PDF files.

  • path_out (str) –

    The concatenated PDF.

  • insert_blank (bool, default: False ) –

    Insert a blank page after a PDF with an odd number of pages. The last page of each PDF is used to determine the size of the added blank page.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def cat_pdf(
    paths_inp: Collection[str],
    path_out: str,
    insert_blank: bool = False,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Concatenate the pages of multiple PDFs into one document

        The input PDF files.
        The concatenated PDF.
        Insert a blank page after a PDF with an odd number of pages.
        The last page of each PDF is used to determine the size of the added blank page.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    args = ["rr-cat-pdf", "${inp}", "${out}"]
    if insert_blank:
    return step(
        " ".join(args),

check_hrefs(path_src, path_config=None, block=False)

Check hyper references in a Markdown, HTML or PDF file.


  • path_src (str) –

    The source Markdown, HTML or PDF to check.

  • path_config (str | None, default: None ) –

    The configuration file. Defaults to ${REPREP_CHECK_HREFS_CONFIG} variable or check_hrefs.yaml if it is not set.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def check_hrefs(path_src: str, path_config: str | None = None, block: bool = False) -> StepInfo:
    """Check hyper references in a Markdown, HTML or PDF file.

        The source Markdown, HTML or PDF to check.
        The configuration file.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_CHECK_HREFS_CONFIG}` variable or `check_hrefs.yaml` if it is not set.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_src = subs(path_src)
        path_config = subs(path_config)
    args = ["rr-check-hrefs", shlex.quote(path_src)]
    inp_paths = [path_src]
    if path_config is not None:
        args.extend(["-c", path_config])
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=inp_paths, block=block)

compile_latex(path_tex, *, run_bibtex=True, maxrep=5, workdir='./', latex=None, bibtex=None, inventory=None, optional=False, block=False)

Create a step for the compilation of a LaTeX source.


  • path_tex (str) –

    The main tex source file. This argument may contain environment variables.

  • run_bibtex

    By default, when bib files are used, BibTeX is invoked. This can be overruled by setting this argument to False, which is useful when recompiling sources with fixed bbl files.

  • maxrep (int, default: 5 ) –

    The maximum number of repetitions of the LaTeX command in case the aux file keeps changing.

  • workdir (str, default: './' ) –

    The working directory where the LaTeX command must be executed.

  • latex (str | None, default: None ) –

    Path to the LaTeX executable. Note that only PDF-producing LaTeX compilers are supported: pdflatex, xelatex or lualatex. Defaults to ${REPREP_LATEX} variable or pdflatex if the variable is unset.

  • bibtex (str | None, default: None ) –

    Path to the BibTeX executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_BIBTEX} variable or bibtex if the variable is unset.

  • inventory (str | bool | None, default: None ) –

    If set to a str, it specifies the inventory file to write. If set to True, the inventory file is written to the default location, which is the stem of the source file with -inventory.txt appended. When the environment variable REPREP_LATEX_INVENTORY is set to 1, the inventory file is always written, unless this argument is set to False.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


The LaTeX source is compiled with the rr-compile-latex command, which can detect dependencies on other files by scanning for \input, \include, \includegraphics, etc. Due to the complexity of LaTeX, the dependency scanning is not perfect. You can manually specify dependencies in the LaTeX source with %REPREP input inp_path. When inp_path is a relative path, it is interpreted in the same way as the LaTeX compiler would resolve it. You can also hide lines from the dependency scanner by adding %REPREP ignore.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def compile_latex(
    path_tex: str,
    maxrep: int = 5,
    workdir: str = "./",
    latex: str | None = None,
    bibtex: str | None = None,
    inventory: str | bool | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Create a step for the compilation of a LaTeX source.

        The main tex source file.
        This argument may contain environment variables.
        By default, when bib files are used, BibTeX is invoked.
        This can be overruled by setting this argument to False,
        which is useful when recompiling sources with fixed bbl files.
        The maximum number of repetitions of the LaTeX command
        in case the aux file keeps changing.
        The working directory where the LaTeX command must be executed.
        Path to the LaTeX executable. Note that only PDF-producing LaTeX compilers are supported:
        `pdflatex`, `xelatex` or `lualatex`.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_LATEX}` variable or `pdflatex` if the variable is unset.
        Path to the BibTeX executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_BIBTEX}` variable or `bibtex` if the variable is unset.
        If set to a `str`, it specifies the inventory file to write.
        If set to  `True`, the inventory file is written to the default location,
        which is the stem of the source file with `-inventory.txt` appended.
        When the environment variable `REPREP_LATEX_INVENTORY` is set to `1`,
        the inventory file is always written, unless this argument is set to `False`.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    The LaTeX source is compiled with the `rr-compile-latex` command,
    which can detect dependencies on other files by scanning for
    `\\input`, `\\include`, `\\includegraphics`, etc.
    Due to the complexity of LaTeX, the dependency scanning is not perfect.
    You can manually specify dependencies in the LaTeX source with `%REPREP input inp_path`.
    When `inp_path` is a relative path,
    it is interpreted in the same way as the LaTeX compiler would resolve it.
    You can also hide lines from the dependency scanner by adding `%REPREP ignore`.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_tex = subs(path_tex)
    if not path_tex.endswith(".tex"):
        raise ValueError(f"The input of the latex command must end with .tex, got {path_tex}.")

    prefix = path_tex[:-4]
    path_pdf = f"{prefix}.pdf"

    args = ["rr-compile-latex", shlex.quote(path_tex)]
    inp_paths = [path_tex]
    out_paths = [path_pdf, f"{prefix}.aux"]
    if maxrep != 5:
        args.append("--maxrep=" + shlex.quote(str(maxrep)))
    if latex is not None:
        args.append("--latex=" + shlex.quote(latex))
    if run_bibtex:
        if bibtex is not None:
            args.append("--bibtex=" + shlex.quote(bibtex))
    if inventory is None:
        inventory = string_to_bool(getenv("REPREP_LATEX_INVENTORY", "0"))
    if inventory is True:
        inventory = f"{prefix}-inventory.txt"
    if isinstance(inventory, str):
        args.append("--inventory=" + shlex.quote(inventory))
    return step(
        " ".join(args),

compile_typst(path_typ, dest=None, *, sysinp=None, resolution=None, workdir='./', typst=None, keep_deps=False, typst_args=(), inventory=None, optional=False, block=False)

Create a step for the compilation of a Typst source.


Support for typst in StepUp RepRep is experimental. Expect breaking changes in future releases. Some limitations include:

  • Multi-page SVG and PNG outputs are not yet supported, due to a bug in the depfile created by typst.
  • SVG figures with references to external bitmaps are not processed correctly. These bitmaps are not rendered, neither are they included in the dep file.


  • path_typ (str) –

    The main typst source file. This argument may contain environment variables.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    Output destination: None, a directory or a file. For SVG and PNG outputs, this argument must be specified with the desired extension. If the output contains any of {p}, {0p} or {t}, the output paths are not known a priori and will be amended.

  • sysinp (dict[str, str | Path] | None, default: None ) –

    A dictionary with the input arguments passed to typstwith --input key=val. Keys and values are converted to strings. When values are Path instances, they are treated as input dependencies for the step. These parameters are available in the document as #sys.inputs.key.

  • resolution (int | None, default: None ) –

    The resolution of the bitmap in dots per inch (dpi), only relevant for PNG output.

  • workdir (str, default: './' ) –

    The working directory where the LaTeX command must be executed.

  • typst (str | None, default: None ) –

    Path to the Typst executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_TYPST} variable or typst if the variable is unset.

  • keep_deps (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the dependency file is kept after the compilation. The dependency file is also kept if the environment variable REPREP_KEEP_TYPST_DEPS is set to "1".

  • typst_args (Collection[str], default: () ) –

    Additional arguments for typst. The defaults is ${REPREP_TYPST_ARGS}, if the environment variable is defined.

  • inventory (str | bool | None, default: None ) –

    If set to a str, it specifies the inventory file to write. If set to True, the inventory file is written to the default location, which is the stem of the source file with -inventory.txt appended. When the environment variable REPREP_TYPST_INVENTORY is set to 1, the inventory file is always written, unless this argument is set to False.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def compile_typst(
    path_typ: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    sysinp: dict[str, str | Path] | None = None,
    resolution: int | None = None,
    workdir: str = "./",
    typst: str | None = None,
    keep_deps: bool = False,
    typst_args: Collection[str] = (),
    inventory: str | bool | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Create a step for the compilation of a Typst source.

    !!! warning

        Support for typst in StepUp RepRep is experimental.
        Expect breaking changes in future releases.
        Some limitations include:

        - Multi-page SVG and PNG outputs are not yet supported,
          due to a bug in the depfile created by typst.
        - SVG figures with references to external bitmaps are not processed correctly.
          These bitmaps are not rendered, neither are they included in the dep file.

        The main typst source file.
        This argument may contain environment variables.
        Output destination: `None`, a directory or a file.
        For SVG and PNG outputs, this argument must be specified with the desired extension.
        If the output contains any of `{p}`, `{0p}` or `{t}`, the output paths are not
        known a priori and will be amended.
        A dictionary with the input arguments passed to `typst`with `--input key=val`.
        Keys and values are converted to strings.
        When values are `Path` instances, they are treated as input dependencies for the step.
        These parameters are available in the document as `#sys.inputs.key`.
        The resolution of the bitmap in dots per inch (dpi),
        only relevant for PNG output.
        The working directory where the LaTeX command must be executed.
        Path to the Typst executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_TYPST}` variable or `typst` if the variable is unset.
        If `True`, the dependency file is kept after the compilation.
        The dependency file is also kept if the environment variable
        `REPREP_KEEP_TYPST_DEPS` is set to `"1"`.
        Additional arguments for typst.
        The defaults is `${REPREP_TYPST_ARGS}`, if the environment variable is defined.
        If set to a `str`, it specifies the inventory file to write.
        If set to  `True`, the inventory file is written to the default location,
        which is the stem of the source file with `-inventory.txt` appended.
        When the environment variable `REPREP_TYPST_INVENTORY` is set to `1`,
        the inventory file is always written, unless this argument is set to `False`.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_typ = subs(path_typ)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_typ.endswith(".typ"):
        raise ValueError(f"The input of the typst command must end with .typ, got {path_typ}.")
    path_out = make_path_out(path_typ, dest, ".pdf", [".svg", ".png"])

    stem = path_typ[:-4]
    args = ["rr-compile-typst"]
    if resolution is not None:
    if typst is not None:
    paths_out = []
    if not any(x in path_out for x in ("{p}", "{0p}", "{t}")):
    if keep_deps or string_to_bool(getenv("REPREP_KEEP_TYPST_DEPS", "0")):
    if inventory is None:
        inventory = string_to_bool(getenv("REPREP_TYPST_INVENTORY", "0"))
    if inventory is True:
        inventory = f"{stem}-inventory.txt"
    if isinstance(inventory, str):
    if path_typ[:-4] != path_out[:-4]:
        args.append("--out=" + shlex.quote(path_out))
    path_inp = [path_typ]
    if sysinp is not None and len(sysinp) > 0:
        for key, val in sysinp.items():
            args.append(shlex.quote(str(key)) + "=" + shlex.quote(str(val)))
            if isinstance(val, Path):
    if len(typst_args) > 0:
        args.extend(shlex.quote(typst_arg) for typst_arg in typst_args)

    return step(
        " ".join(args),

convert_inkscape(path_svg, path_out, *, inkscape=None, inkscape_args=(), optional=False, block=False)

Convert an SVG figure to a PDF file, detecting dependencies of the SVG on other files.


  • path_svg (str) –

    The input SVG figure. It may contain tags referring to other files included in the figure.

  • path_out (str) –

    The output PDF or PNG file. Other formats are not supported.

  • inkscape (str | None, default: None ) –

    The path to the inkscape executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_INKSCAPE} variable or inkscape if the variable is unset.

  • inkscape_args (Collection[str], default: () ) –

    Additional arguments to pass to inkscape. E.g. ["-T"] to convert text to glyphs in PDFs. Depending on the extension of the output, the default is ${REPREP_INKSCAPE_PDF_ARGS} or ${REPREP_INKSCAPE_PNG_ARGS}, if the environment variable is defined.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


A wrapper around inkscape is used to carry out the conversion: stepup.reprep.convert_inkscape. The wrapper scans the SVG for dependencies, which may be a bit slow in case of large files.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_inkscape(
    path_svg: str,
    path_out: str,
    inkscape: str | None = None,
    inkscape_args: Collection[str] = (),
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert an SVG figure to a PDF file, detecting dependencies of the SVG on other files.

        The input SVG figure.
        It may contain <img> tags referring to other files included in the figure.
        The output PDF or PNG file. Other formats are not supported.
        The path to the inkscape executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_INKSCAPE}` variable or `inkscape` if the variable is unset.
        Additional arguments to pass to inkscape. E.g. `["-T"]` to convert text to glyphs in PDFs.
        Depending on the extension of the output, the default is `${REPREP_INKSCAPE_PDF_ARGS}` or
        `${REPREP_INKSCAPE_PNG_ARGS}`, if the environment variable is defined.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    A wrapper around inkscape is used to carry out the conversion: `stepup.reprep.convert_inkscape`.
    The wrapper scans the SVG for dependencies, which may be a bit slow in case of large files.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_svg = subs(path_svg)
        path_out = subs(path_out)
    if not path_svg.endswith(".svg"):
        raise ValueError("The SVG file must have extension .svg")
    if not path_out.endswith((".pdf", ".png")):
        raise ValueError("The output file must have extension .pdf or .png")
    args = ["rr-convert-inkscape", shlex.quote(path_svg), shlex.quote(path_out)]
    if inkscape is not None:
        args.append("--inkscape=" + shlex.quote(inkscape))
    if len(inkscape_args) > 0:
        args.extend(shlex.quote(inkscape_arg) for inkscape_arg in inkscape_args)
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=path_svg, out=path_out, block=block, optional=optional)

convert_inkscape_pdf(path_svg, dest=None, *, inkscape=None, inkscape_args=(), optional=False, block=False)

Shorthand for convert_inkscape with the output file derived from the SVG file.

The dest argument can be None, a directory or a file.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_inkscape_pdf(
    path_svg: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    inkscape: str | None = None,
    inkscape_args: Collection[str] = (),
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Shorthand for `convert_inkscape` with the output file derived from the SVG file.

    The `dest` argument can be `None`, a directory or a file.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_svg = subs(path_svg)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_svg.endswith(".svg"):
        raise ValueError("The SVG file must have extension .svg")
    path_pdf = make_path_out(path_svg, dest, ".pdf")
    return convert_inkscape(

convert_inkscape_png(path_svg, dest=None, *, inkscape=None, inkscape_args=(), optional=False, block=False)

Shorthand for convert_inkscape with the output file derived from the SVG file.

The dest argument can be None, a directory or a file. See make_path_out.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_inkscape_png(
    path_svg: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    inkscape: str | None = None,
    inkscape_args: Collection[str] = (),
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Shorthand for `convert_inkscape` with the output file derived from the SVG file.

    The `dest` argument can be `None`, a directory or a file. See `make_path_out`.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_svg = subs(path_svg)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_svg.endswith(".svg"):
        raise ValueError("The SVG file must have extension .svg")
    path_png = make_path_out(path_svg, dest, ".png")
    return convert_inkscape(

convert_jupyter(path_nb, dest=None, *, inp=(), out=(), execute=True, to=None, jupyter=None, optional=False, block=False)

Convert a Jupyter notebook, by default to HTML with execution of cells.


Support for juptyer nbconvert in StepUp RepRep is experimental. Expect breaking changes in future releases.


  • path_nb (str) –

    The input Jupyter notebook.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    Output destination: None, a directory or a file.

  • inp (str | Collection[str], default: () ) –

    One or more input files used by the notebook. You can also declare inputs with amend(inp=...) in the notebook, but specifying them here will make the scheduling more efficient.

  • out (str | Collection[str], default: () ) –

    One or more output files produced by the notebook. You can also declare outputs with amend(out=...) in the notebook, but you can specify them here if you want to make the notebook execution optional, i.e. dependent on whether the outputs are used in other steps.

  • execute (bool, default: True ) –

    If True, the notebook is executed before conversion.

  • to (str | None, default: None ) –

    The output format. The default depends on the extension of the output file. if to is given and dest is None or a directory, the to argument is used to determine the output file extension.

  • jupyter (str | None, default: None ) –

    The path to the jupyter executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_JUPYTER} variable or jupyter if the variable is unset.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_jupyter(
    path_nb: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    inp: str | Collection[str] = (),
    out: str | Collection[str] = (),
    execute: bool = True,
    to: str | None = None,
    jupyter: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a Jupyter notebook, by default to HTML with execution of cells.

    !!! warning

        Support for `juptyer nbconvert` in StepUp RepRep is experimental.
        Expect breaking changes in future releases.

        The input Jupyter notebook.
        Output destination: `None`, a directory or a file.
        One or more input files used by the notebook.
        You can also declare inputs with `amend(inp=...)` in the notebook,
        but specifying them here will make the scheduling more efficient.
        One or more output files produced by the notebook.
        You can also declare outputs with `amend(out=...)` in the notebook,
        but you can specify them here if you want to make the notebook execution optional,
        i.e. dependent on whether the outputs are used in other steps.
        If `True`, the notebook is executed before conversion.
        The output format. The default depends on the extension of the output file.
        if `to` is given and `dest` is `None` or a directory,
        the `to` argument is used to determine the output file extension.
        The path to the jupyter executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_JUPYTER}` variable or `jupyter` if the variable is unset.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_nb = subs(path_nb)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_nb.endswith(".ipynb"):
        raise ValueError("The notebook file must have extension .ipynb")
    if isinstance(inp, str):
        inp = [inp]
    if isinstance(out, str):
        out = [out]
    default_exts = {
        "html": ".html",
        "pdf": ".pdf",
        "notebook": ".ipynb",
        "latex": ".tex",
        "markdown": ".md",
        "rst": ".rst",
        "script": ".py",
        "asciidoc": ".txt",
    if to is not None:
        default_ext = default_exts.get(to)
        if default_ext is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Unsupported output format: {to}")
        default_ext = ".html"
    other_exts = [".html", ".pdf", ".ipynb", ".tex", ".md", ".rst", ".py", ".txt"]
    path_out = make_path_out(path_nb, dest, default_ext, other_exts)
    if to is None:
        default_formats = {val: key for key, val in default_exts.items()}
        to = default_formats[path_out.suffix]
    if jupyter is None:
        jupyter = getenv("REPREP_JUPYTER", "jupyter")
    args = [jupyter, "nbconvert", shlex.quote(path_nb), "--stdout", "--to", to]
    if execute:
    args.extend([">", shlex.quote(path_out)])
    step(" ".join(args), inp=[path_nb, *inp], out=[path_out, *out], optional=optional, block=block)

convert_markdown(path_md, dest=None, *, katex=False, path_macros=None, paths_css=(), optional=False, block=False)

Convert a markdown to HTML.


  • path_md (str) –

    The markdown input file.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    Output destination: None, a directory or a file.

  • katex (bool, default: False ) –

    Set to True to enable KaTeX support.

  • path_macros (str | None, default: None ) –

    A file with macro definitions for KaTeX. Defaults to ${REPREP_KATEX_MACROS} if the variable is set, which is interpreted as a colon-separated list of files.

  • paths_css (str | Collection[str], default: () ) –

    Path or multiple paths of a local CSS file, or a list of multiple such paths, to be included in the HTML header. Note that one may also specify CSS file in the markdown header. Defaults to ${REPREP_MARKDOWN_CSS} if the variable is set, which is interpreted as a colon-separated list of files.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_markdown(
    path_md: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    katex: bool = False,
    path_macros: str | None = None,
    paths_css: str | Collection[str] = (),
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a markdown to HTML.

        The markdown input file.
        Output destination: `None`, a directory or a file.
        Set to `True` to enable KaTeX support.
        A file with macro definitions for KaTeX.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_KATEX_MACROS}` if the variable is set,
        which is interpreted as a colon-separated list of files.
        Path or multiple paths of a local CSS file, or a list of multiple such paths,
        to be included in the HTML header.
        Note that one may also specify CSS file in the markdown header.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_MARKDOWN_CSS}` if the variable is set,
        which is interpreted as a colon-separated list of files.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_md = subs(path_md)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_md.endswith(".md"):
        raise ValueError("The Markdown file must have extension .md")
    path_html = make_path_out(path_md, dest, ".html")
    inp = [path_md]
    args = ["rr-convert-markdown", shlex.quote(path_md), shlex.quote(path_html)]
    if katex:
        if path_macros is not None:
            args.append("--katex-macros=" + shlex.quote(path_macros))
    if len(paths_css) > 0:
        if isinstance(paths_css, str):
            paths_css = [paths_css]
        args.extend(shlex.quote(path_css) for path_css in paths_css)
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=inp, out=path_html, optional=optional, block=block)

convert_mutool(path_pdf, path_out, *, resolution=None, mutool=None, optional=False, block=False)

Convert a PDF to a bitmap with mutool (from MuPDF).


  • path_pdf (str) –

    The input PDF file.

  • path_out (str) –

    The output image file.

  • resolution (int | None, default: None ) –

    The resolution of the output bitmap in dots per inch (dpi).

  • mutool (str | None, default: None ) –

    The path to the mutool executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_MUTOOL} variable or mutool if the variable is unset.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_mutool(
    path_pdf: str,
    path_out: str,
    resolution: int | None = None,
    mutool: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a PDF to a bitmap with mutool (from MuPDF).

        The input PDF file.
        The output image file.
        The resolution of the output bitmap in dots per inch (dpi).
        The path to the mutool executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_MUTOOL}` variable or `mutool` if the variable is unset.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    if resolution is None:
        resolution = int(getenv("REPREP_CONVERT_PDF_RESOLUTION", "100"))
    if mutool is None:
        mutool = getenv("REPREP_MUTOOL", "mutool")
    args = [shlex.quote(mutool), "draw -q -o ${out} -r", shlex.quote(str(resolution)), "${inp}"]
    return step(
        " ".join(args),

convert_mutool_png(path_pdf, dest=None, *, resolution=None, mutool=None, optional=False, block=False)

Shorthand for convert_mutool with the output file derived from the PDF file.

The dest argument can be None, a directory or a file. See make_path_out.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_mutool_png(
    path_pdf: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    resolution: int | None = None,
    mutool: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Shorthand for `convert_mutool` with the output file derived from the PDF file.

    The `dest` argument can be `None`, a directory or a file. See `make_path_out`.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_pdf = subs(path_pdf)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_pdf.endswith(".pdf"):
        raise ValueError("The PDF file must have extension .pdf")
    path_png = make_path_out(path_pdf, dest, ".png")
    return convert_mutool(
        path_pdf, path_png, resolution=resolution, mutool=mutool, optional=optional, block=block

convert_odf_pdf(path_odf, dest=None, *, libreoffice=None, optional=False, block=False)

Convert a file in OpenDocument format to PDF.


  • path_odf (str) –

    The input open-document file.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    None, output directory or path. See make_path_out.

  • libreoffice (str | None, default: None ) –

    The libreoffice executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_LIBREOFFICE} variable or libreoffice if the variable is unset.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


This function does not yet scan the source document for reference to external files. which should ideally be added as dependencies.

The conversion is executed in a pool of size 1, due to a bug in libreoffice. It cannot perform multiple PDF conversions in parallel.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_odf_pdf(
    path_odf: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    libreoffice: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a file in OpenDocument format to PDF.

        The input open-document file.
        None, output directory or path. See `make_path_out`.
        The libreoffice executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_LIBREOFFICE}` variable or `libreoffice` if the variable is unset.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    This function does not yet scan the source document for reference to external files.
    which should ideally be added as dependencies.

    The conversion is executed in a pool of size 1, due to a bug in libreoffice.
    It cannot perform multiple PDF conversions in parallel.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_odf = subs(path_odf)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if libreoffice is None:
        libreoffice = getenv("REPREP_LIBREOFFICE", "libreoffice")
    command = (
        # Simple things should be simple! ;) See:
        # Not solved yet:
        "WORK=`mktemp -d --suffix=reprep` && "
        + shlex.quote(libreoffice)
        + " -env:UserInstallation=file://${WORK} --convert-to pdf ${inp} --outdir ${WORK} "
        "> /dev/null && cp ${WORK}/*.pdf ${out} && rm -r ${WORK}"
    path_pdf = make_path_out(path_odf, dest, ".pdf")
    return step(command, inp=path_odf, out=path_pdf, optional=optional, block=block)

convert_weasyprint(path_html, dest=None, *, weasyprint=None, optional=False, block=False)

Convert a HTML document to PDF.


  • path_html (str) –

    The HTML input file.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    Output destination: None, a directory or a file.

  • weasyprint (str | None, default: None ) –

    The path to the weasyprint executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_WEASYPRINT} variable or weasyprint if the variable is unset.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def convert_weasyprint(
    path_html: str,
    dest: str | None = None,
    weasyprint: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a HTML document to PDF.

        The HTML input file.
        Output destination: `None`, a directory or a file.
        The path to the weasyprint executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_WEASYPRINT}` variable or `weasyprint` if the variable is unset.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_html = subs(path_html)
        dest = subs(dest)
    if not path_html.endswith(".html"):
        raise ValueError("The HTML file must have extension .html")
    path_pdf = make_path_out(path_html, dest, ".pdf")
    args = ["rr-convert-weasyprint", shlex.quote(path_html), shlex.quote(path_pdf)]
    if weasyprint is not None:
        args.append("--weasyprint=" + shlex.quote(weasyprint))
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=path_html, out=path_pdf, block=block, optional=optional)

diff_latex(path_old, path_new, path_diff, *, latexdiff=None, latexdiff_args=DEFAULT_LATEXDIFF_ARGS, optional=False, block=False)

Create a step to run latexdiff.


  • path_old (str) –

    The old tex or bbl source.

  • path_new (str) –

    The new tex or bbl source.

  • path_diff (str) –

    The diff output tex or bbl.

  • latexdiff (str | None, default: None ) –

    Path of the latexdiff executable. Defaults to ${REPREP_LATEXDIFF} variable or latexdiff if the variable is unset.

  • latexdiff_args (Collection[str], default: DEFAULT_LATEXDIFF_ARGS ) –

    Additional arguments for latexdiff. Defaults to ${REPREP_LATEXDIFF_ARG} variable. If this variable is unset, the following default is used:

    --append-context2cmd=abstract,supplementary,dataavailability,funding, \

    The option --no-label is always added because it is needed to make the file reproducible.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def diff_latex(
    path_old: str,
    path_new: str,
    path_diff: str,
    latexdiff: str | None = None,
    latexdiff_args: Collection[str] = DEFAULT_LATEXDIFF_ARGS,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    r"""Create a step to run latexdiff.

        The old tex or bbl source.
        The new tex or bbl source.
        The diff output tex or bbl.
        Path of the latexdiff  executable.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_LATEXDIFF}` variable or `latexdiff` if the variable is unset.
        Additional arguments for latexdiff.
        Defaults to `${REPREP_LATEXDIFF_ARG}` variable.
        If this variable is unset, the following default is used:

        --append-context2cmd=abstract,supplementary,dataavailability,funding, \

        The option `--no-label` is always added because it is needed to make the file reproducible.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    if latexdiff is None:
        latexdiff = getenv("REPREP_LATEXDIFF", "latexdiff")

    if latexdiff_args is None:
        latexdiff_args = shlex.split(getenv("REPREP_LATEXDIFF_ARGS", ""))

    args = [shlex.quote(latexdiff)]
    args.extend(shlex.quote(latexdiff_arg) for latexdiff_arg in latexdiff_args)
    args.extend(["${inp}", "--no-label", ">", "${out}"])
    return step(
        " ".join(args),
        inp=[path_old, path_new],

flatten_latex(path_tex, path_flat, *, optional=False, block=False)

Flatten structured LaTeX source files (substitute \input and friends by their content).


  • path_tex (str) –

    The main tex file to be converted.

  • path_flat (str) –

    The flattened output file.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def flatten_latex(path_tex: str, path_flat: str, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False):
    r"""Flatten structured LaTeX source files (substitute `\input` and friends by their content).

        The main tex file to be converted.
        The flattened output file.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    return step(
        "rr-flatten-latex ${inp} ${out}",

make_inventory(paths, path_inventory, *, optional=False, block=False)

Create an inventory.txt file.


  • paths (Collection[str]) –

    Paths to include in the inventory.txt file.

  • path_inventory (str) –

    The inventory file to write.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def make_inventory(
    paths: Collection[str], path_inventory: str, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False
) -> StepInfo:
    """Create an `inventory.txt` file.

        Paths to include in the `inventory.txt` file.
        The inventory file to write.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    return step(
        "rr-make-inventory ${inp} -o ${out}",

nup_pdf(path_src, path_dst, *, nrow=None, ncol=None, margin=None, page_format=None, optional=False, block=False)

Put multiple pages per sheet using a fixed layout.


  • path_src (str) –

    The original PDF document (with normal pages).

  • path_dst (str) –

    The output PDF with (multiple pages per sheet).

  • nrow (int | None, default: None ) –

    The number of rows on each output sheet. The default is ${REPREP_NUP_NROW} or 2 if the variable is not set.

  • ncol (int | None, default: None ) –

    The number of columns on each output sheet. The default is ${REPREP_NUP_NCOL} or 2 if the variable is not set.

  • margin (float | None, default: None ) –

    The margin in mm between the pages on each sheet. (Also used as sheet margin.) The default is ${REPREP_NUP_MARGIN} or 10.0 if the variable is not set.

  • page_format (str | None, default: None ) –

    The output page format The default is ${REPREP_NUP_PAGE_FORMAT} or A4-L if the variable is not set.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def nup_pdf(
    path_src: str,
    path_dst: str,
    nrow: int | None = None,
    ncol: int | None = None,
    margin: float | None = None,
    page_format: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Put multiple pages per sheet using a fixed layout.

        The original PDF document (with normal pages).
        The output PDF with (multiple pages per sheet).
        The number of rows on each output sheet.
        The default is `${REPREP_NUP_NROW}` or 2 if the variable is not set.
        The number of columns on each output sheet.
        The default is `${REPREP_NUP_NCOL}` or 2 if the variable is not set.
        The margin in mm between the pages on each sheet. (Also used as sheet margin.)
        The default is `${REPREP_NUP_MARGIN}` or 10.0 if the variable is not set.
        The output page format
        The default is `${REPREP_NUP_PAGE_FORMAT}` or A4-L if the variable is not set.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    args = ["rr-nup-pdf", "${inp}", "${out}"]
    if nrow is not None:
        args.extend(["-r", str(nrow)])
    if ncol is not None:
        args.extend(["-c", str(ncol)])
    if margin is not None:
        args.extend(["-m", str(margin)])
    if page_format is not None:
        args.extend(["-p", shlex.quote(page_format)])
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=path_src, out=path_dst, optional=optional, block=block)

raster_pdf(path_inp, dest, *, resolution=None, quality=None, optional=False, block=False)

Turn each page of a PDF into a rendered JPEG bitmap contained in a new PDF.


  • path_inp (str) –

    The input PDF file.

  • dest (str) –

    None, output directory or path. See make_path_out.

  • resolution (int | None, default: None ) –

    The resolution of the bitmap in dots per inch (dpi). The default value is taken from ${REPREP_RASTER_RESOLUTION} or 100 if the variable is not set.

  • quality (int | None, default: None ) –

    The JPEG quality of the bitmap. The default value is taken from ${REPREP_RASTER_QUALITY} or 50 if the variable is not set.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def raster_pdf(
    path_inp: str,
    dest: str,
    resolution: int | None = None,
    quality: int | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Turn each page of a PDF into a rendered JPEG bitmap contained in a new PDF.

        The input PDF file.
        None, output directory or path. See `make_path_out`.
        The resolution of the bitmap in dots per inch (dpi).
        The default value is taken from `${REPREP_RASTER_RESOLUTION}` or 100 if the variable is not
        The JPEG quality of the bitmap.
        The default value is taken from `${REPREP_RASTER_QUALITY}` or 50 if the variable is not set.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    args = ["rr-raster-pdf", "${inp}", "${out}"]
    if resolution is not None:
        args.extend(["-r", str(resolution)])
    if quality is not None:
        args.extend(["-q", shlex.quote(str(quality))])
    path_out = make_path_out(path_inp, dest, ".pdf")
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=path_inp, out=path_out, optional=optional, block=block)

render_jinja(*args, mode='auto', optional=False, block=False)

Render the template with Jinja2.


  • args (str | dict, default: () ) –

    The first argument is the path to the template file. All the following position arguments can be one of the following two types:

    • Paths to Python, JSON or YAML files with variable definitions. Variables defined in later files take precedence.
    • A dictionary with additional variables. These will be JSON-serialized and passed on the command-line to the Jinja renderer. Variables in dictionaries take precedence over variables from files. When multiple dictionaries are given, later ones take precedence.

    The very last argument is an output destination (directory or file).

  • mode (str, default: 'auto' ) –

    The format of the Jinja placeholders. The default (auto) selects either plain or latex based on the extension of the template. The plain format is the default Jinja style with curly brackets: {{ }} etc. The latex style replaces curly brackets by angle brackets: << >> etc.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.


At least some variables must be given, either as a file containing variables or as a dictionary.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def render_jinja(
    *args: str | dict,
    mode: str = "auto",
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Render the template with Jinja2.

        The first argument is the path to the template file.
        All the following position arguments can be one of the following two types:

        - Paths to Python, JSON or YAML files with variable definitions.
          Variables defined in later files take precedence.
        - A dictionary with additional variables.
          These will be JSON-serialized and passed on the command-line to the Jinja renderer.
          Variables in dictionaries take precedence over variables from files.
          When multiple dictionaries are given, later ones take precedence.

        The very last argument is an output destination (directory or file).
        The format of the Jinja placeholders.
        The default (auto) selects either plain or latex based on the extension of the template.
        The plain format is the default Jinja style with curly brackets: {{ }} etc.
        The latex style replaces curly brackets by angle brackets: << >> etc.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

    At least some variables must be given, either as a file containing variables or as a dictionary.
    # Parse the positional arguments
    if len(args) < 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "At least three positional arguments must be given: "
            "the template, at least one file or dict with variables, and the destination."
    path_template = args[0]
    if not isinstance(path_template, str):
        raise TypeError("The template argument must be a string.")
    dest = args[-1]
    if not isinstance(dest, str):
        raise TypeError("The destination argument must be a string.")
    variables = {}
    paths_variables = []
    for arg in args[1:-1]:
        if isinstance(arg, str):
        elif isinstance(arg, dict):
            raise TypeError("The variables arguments must be strings (paths) or dictionaries.")

    # Parse other arguments.
    if mode not in ["auto", "plain", "latex"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Unsupported mode {mode!r}. Must be one of 'auto', 'plain', 'latex'")
    if len(paths_variables) == 0 and len(variables) == 0:
        raise ValueError("At least one file with variable definitions needed.")
    path_out = make_path_out(path_template, dest, None)

    # Create the command
    args = ["rr-render-jinja", "${inp}", "${out}"]
    if mode != "auto":
    if len(variables) > 0:
        args.append("--json=" + shlex.quote(json.dumps(variables)))
    return step(
        " ".join(args),
        inp=[path_template, *paths_variables],

sanitize_bibtex(*paths_aux, path_cfg=None, path_out=None, optional=False, block=False)

Sanitize a BibTeX file.


  • paths_aux (str, default: () ) –

    Paths to LaTeX aux files.

  • path_cfg (str | None, default: None ) –

    The YAML configuration file for the rr-sanitize-bibtex script.

  • path_out (str | None, default: None ) –

    If given, a single cleaned-up bibtex file is written as output, which you can manually copy back to the original if you approve of the cleanup. If not given, the original bibtex file is overwritten (if there is only one), which will drain the scheduler. You then check if the updated version is correct and rerun the build to approve.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def sanitize_bibtex(
    *paths_aux: str,
    path_cfg: str | None = None,
    path_out: str | None = None,
    optional: bool = False,
    block: bool = False,
) -> StepInfo:
    """Sanitize a BibTeX file.

        Paths to LaTeX aux files.
        The YAML configuration file for the `rr-sanitize-bibtex` script.
        If given, a single cleaned-up bibtex file is written as output,
        which you can manually copy back to the original if you approve of the cleanup.
        If not given, the original bibtex file is overwritten (if there is only one),
        which will drain the scheduler.
        You then check if the updated version is correct and rerun the build to approve.
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    with subs_env_vars() as subs:
        path_cfg = subs(path_cfg)
        paths_aux = [subs(path_aux) for path_aux in paths_aux]
        path_out = subs(path_out)

    args = ["rr-bibsane", "--amend", *(shlex.quote(path_aux) for path_aux in paths_aux)]
    paths_inp = list(paths_aux)
    if path_cfg is not None:
        args.append("--config=" + shlex.quote(path_cfg))
    paths_out = []
    if path_out is not None:
    return step(" ".join(args), inp=paths_inp, out=paths_out, optional=optional, block=block)

sync_zenodo(path_config, *, block=False)

Synchronize data with an draft dataset on Zenodo.


  • path_config (str) –

    The YAML configuration file for the Zenodo upload.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def sync_zenodo(path_config: str, *, block: bool = False) -> StepInfo:
    """Synchronize data with an draft dataset on Zenodo.

        The YAML configuration file for the Zenodo upload.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    return step("rr-sync-zenodo ${inp}", inp=path_config, block=block)

unplot(path_svg, dest=None, *, optional=False, block=False)

Convert a plot back to data.


  • path_svg (str) –

    The SVG file with paths to be converted back.

  • dest (str | None, default: None ) –

    An output directory or file.

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def unplot(
    path_svg: str, dest: str | None = None, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False
) -> StepInfo:
    """Convert a plot back to data.

        The SVG file with paths to be converted back.
        An output directory or file.

        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    path_out = make_path_out(path_svg, dest, ".json")
    command = "rr-unplot ${inp} ${out}"
    return step(command, inp=path_svg, out=path_out, optional=optional, block=block)

zip_inventory(path_inventory, path_zip, *, optional=False, block=False)

Create a ZIP file with all files listed in a inventory.txt file + check digests before zip.


  • path_inventory (str) –

    A file created with the make_inventory API or with the command-line script rr-make-inventory.

  • path_zip (str) –

    The output ZIP file

  • optional (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.

  • block (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, the step will always remain pending.


  • step_info

    Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.

Source code in stepup/reprep/
def zip_inventory(
    path_inventory: str, path_zip: str, *, optional: bool = False, block: bool = False
) -> StepInfo:
    """Create a ZIP file with all files listed in a `inventory.txt` file + check digests before zip.

        A file created with the `make_inventory` API or with the command-line script
        The output ZIP file
        If `True`, the step is only executed when needed by other steps.
        If `True`, the step will always remain pending.

        Holds relevant information of the step, useful for defining follow-up steps.
    return step(
        "rr-zip-inventory ${inp} ${out}",