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Script (Single Case)

StepUp Core implements a simple script protocol for defining scripts that combine planning and execution in a single source file. This can be more convenient than putting a lot of detail in the file.

The script and call protocols are similar in that they both simplify planning step. To help you decide which one to use, consider the following:

  • The call protocol is most convenient when you have a single script that can be run with different parameters. The script itself does not need to know about the parameters upfront.

  • The script protocol is most convenient when you prefer to have all the details of the script, including the planning (inputs, outputs, …) and execution, in a single source file. Such self-contained scripts are easier to understand and maintain.

Script Protocol

The script() protocol itself is rather simple. The following line in

script("executable", workdir="sub")

is roughly equivalent to:

step("./executable plan", inp="executable", workdir="sub")

Note that the use of a subdirectory is not required. The ./executable plan step is expected to define additional steps to actually run something useful with the executable. A common scenario is to plan a single ./executable run step with appropriate inputs and outputs.

When the optional=True keyword argument is given to the script() function, it executes ./executable plan --optional. The script protocol requires that all run steps created by this planning step should then receive the optional=True keyword argument. Note that the plan step itself is never an optional step: It is always executed.

The script() function also supports the step_info="some_file.json argument. This results in an extra argument --step-info=some_file.json for ./executable plan. The planning of the run scripts is then expected to write all the information about the created run steps to this JSON file. In complex workflows, it may be useful to load this JSON file with load_step_info(). Consult the section on StepInfo Objects to learn how to use these objects.

In addition, the script() function also supports all the arguments of step(), which it simply passes on when creating the ./executable plan step.


The step_info argument, and support for all step() arguments were added in StepUp 2.0.0.

Script driver

StepUp implements a driver() function in the module stepup.core.script that greatly facilitates writing Python scripts that adhere to the script protocol.

It can be used in two ways:

  1. To run the executable for just one specific case of inputs and outputs (this tutorial).

  2. To run the same script with multiple combinations of inputs and outputs (next tutorial).

In both cases, the script driver will detect local modules that are imported in the script, and amend these as required inputs. By default, only the modules inside STEPUP_ROOT are treated as dependencies. You can specify additional directories in the STEPUP_EXTERNAL_SOURCES environment variable.

Single Case Script Driver

A Python script using the driver for a single case has the following structure.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.script import driver

def info():
    return {
        "inp": ..., # a single input path or a list of input paths
        "out": ..., # a single output path or a list of input paths
        "static": ..., # declare a static file or a list of static files
        "stdout": ..., # redirect the standard output to a file (StepUp 1.3.0)
        "stderr": ..., # redirect the standard error to a file (StepUp 1.3.0)
        "just_any": "argument that you want to add",

def run(inp, out, just_any):

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • The info() function provides the data necessary to plan the execution of the script. It is executed when calling the script as ./ plan.


    All dictionary items are optional. The info() function can even return an empty dictionary. The keys inp, out, static, stdout and stderr affect the planning the run part, as explained in the comments above.

  • The run() function is called to perform the useful work and is executed when the script is executed as ./ run.


    The run() function can have any argument defined in the dictionary returned by info(), but it does not have to specify all of them. The argument list of run() can contain fewer arguments (or even none at all).


Example source files: docs/getting_started/script_single/

Consider a script that has parameters defined in a config file config.json, which may be used by multiple script, e.g. for reasons of consistency. For this example, the configuration contains a number of steps and a frequency in arbitrary units, serialized in a JSON file:

  "nstep": 100,
  "freq": 0.1

This file is used in a script as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json

import numpy as np

from stepup.core.script import driver

def info():
    return {
        "inp": "config.json",
        "out": ["cos.npy", "sin.npy"],

def run(inp, out):
    with open("config.json") as fh:
        config = json.load(fh)
    nstep = config["nstep"]
    freq = config["freq"][0], np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * np.arange(nstep)))[1], np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * np.arange(nstep)))

if __name__ == "__main__":

Also, add the following file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.api import script, static

static("", "config.json")

Finally, make the Python scripts executable and give StepUp a spin:

chmod +x
stepup -n 1

You should see the following output on screen:

  DIRECTOR │ Listening on /tmp/stepup-########/director (StepUp 2.0.4)
   STARTUP │ (Re)initialized boot script
  DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 0
     PHASE │ run
     START │ ./
   SUCCESS │ ./
     START │ ./ plan
   SUCCESS │ ./ plan
     START │ ./ run
   SUCCESS │ ./ run
  DIRECTOR │ Trying to delete 0 outdated output(s).
  DIRECTOR │ Stopping workers.
  DIRECTOR │ See you!

As expected, this creates two files: cos.npy and sin.npy.

Try the Following

  • Modify the file config.json and re-run StepUp. The planning is skipped because the script itself did not change. Only the run function is called to work with the updated config.json.

  • Delete one of the outputs and rerun StepUp. Again, the planning is skipped and the computation is repeated to recreate the missing output.

  • Create a new module with a compute() function to calculate the cosine and sine arrays with parameters nstep and freq. Import this module into, use it in run() and re-run StepUp. This will automatically make an input for the planning and running of Test this by making a small change to and re-running it. (Note that local imports inside the run() function will not be identified automatically and are therefore not recommended.)