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Script (Multiple Cases)

In the previous tutorial, the script protocol and driver were illustrated with a single use case of a script. The script protocol also supports scripts that can be executed with different combinations of inputs.

Multiple Cases Script Driver

A Python script using the script protocol for multiple cases has the following structure.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.script import driver

def cases():
    yield 1
    yield 2

CASE_FMT = "foo{}"

def case_info(case: int):
    return {
        "inp": ..., # a single input path or a list of input paths
        "out": ..., # a single output path or a list of input paths
        "static": ..., # declare a static file or a list of static files
        "stdout": ..., # redirect the standard output to a file (StepUp 1.3.0)
        "stderr": ..., # redirect the standard error to a file (StepUp 1.3.0)
        "just_any": "argument that you want to add",

def run(inp, out, just_any):

if __name__ == "__main__":

The script has the following elements:

  • The generator cases() takes no arguments and yields cases that correspond to different ways of running the script. Here, the cases are simple integers 1 and 2, but richer data are also supported. The item in yield item is translated into an args list and a kwargs dictionary as follows:

    • If item is a dictionary: args = []; kwargs = item
    • Else if item is a tuple of a list and a dictionary: args, kwargs = item
    • Else if item is a list or tuple: args = list(item); kwargs = {}
    • Else: args = [item]; kwargs = {}
  • The cases will be represented by a string argument on the command line formatted with CASE_FMT.format(*args, **kwargs), where args and kwargs are derived from the iterates from the cases() generator. The formatted string must retain all information of args and kwargs, so that they can be derived again from the formatted string with the parse library.

    • Here, the two string representations will be foo1 and foo2.
    • The corresponding steps will be ./ run foo1 and ./ run foo2
  • The function case_info() is used to translate args and kwargs into a more detailed planning of the run steps. The returned dictionary is handled in the same way as that of the info() function in the previous tutorial Script (Single Case).

  • The function run() works in the same way as for the single case script driver.


Example source files: docs/getting_started/script_multiple/

To make the example more engaging, it leverages NumPy and Matplotlib. The same plotting function is applied to two datasets of hourly temperatures recorded at the airports of Brussels and Ostend in February 2024, downloaded from the ASOS network hosted by Iowa State University.

Create a script that just calls the plotting script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from stepup.core.api import script, static

static("", "ebbr.csv", "ebos.csv", "matplotlibrc")

The script uses the script driver with multiple cases:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter

from stepup.core.script import driver

def cases():
    yield "ebbr"
    yield "ebos"

CASE_FMT = "plot_{}"

def case_info(airport):
    return {
        "inp": ["matplotlibrc", f"{airport}.csv"],
        "out": f"plot_{airport}.png",
        "airport": airport,

def run(inp, out, airport):
    dtype = [("dt", "datetime64[s]"), ("tmpc", "f8")]
    data = np.loadtxt(inp[1], dtype=dtype, delimiter=",", skiprows=1).T
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(data["dt"], data["tmpc"])
    ax.set_xlabel("Day of the month February 2024")
    ax.set_xlim(data["dt"][0], data["dt"][-1])
    ax.set_ylabel("Temperature [°C]")
    ax.set_title(f"Airport {airport.upper()}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Make the scripts executable and run StepUp to get the results:

chmod +x
stepup -n 1

You should see the following terminal output with the plan and run steps of the plotting script:

  DIRECTOR │ Listening on /tmp/stepup-########/director (StepUp 2.0.4)
   STARTUP │ (Re)initialized boot script
  DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 0
     PHASE │ run
     START │ ./
   SUCCESS │ ./
     START │ ./ plan
   SUCCESS │ ./ plan
     START │ ./ run -- plot_ebbr
   SUCCESS │ ./ run -- plot_ebbr
     START │ ./ run -- plot_ebos
   SUCCESS │ ./ run -- plot_ebos
  DIRECTOR │ Trying to delete 0 outdated output(s).
  DIRECTOR │ Stopping workers.
  DIRECTOR │ See you!

This produces the following figures:


Try the Following

  • Download temperature data for the same month of an airport close to your home and format it similarly to the *.csv already present. Extend the cases() generator to also process your temperature data.

  • It is common for iterates of cases() to be reused by multiple scripts. One way to centralize this information is by defining a list airports in a module. By locally importing this module in the cases() function, the driver will make an input only of the planning step of the script:

    def cases():
        from settings import airports
        yield from airports
  • For debugging purposes, it is sometimes useful to run just a single case of a script. To facilitate this type of debugging, the script can be called with the cases argument. When you run the following command:

    ./ cases

    you will get a list of different ways to execute the script’s run() function:

    ./ run -- 'plot_ebbr'
    ./ run -- 'plot_ebos'