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Application Programming Interface (API) for interactive use of the director process.

Most of these functions are used for writing tests. They can also be employed to create keyboard shortcuts within your IDE.

For example, one may bind the following command to an IDE’s keyboard shortcut:

STEPUP_DIRECTOR_SOCKET=$(python -c "import stepup.core.director; print(stepup.core.director.get_socket())") python -c 'from stepup.core.interact import run; run()'

This command must be executed in the top-level directory where a stepup command is running in interactive mode.

You can better understand how the above example works by breaking it down into two parts:

  • The command python -c "import stepup.core.director; print(stepup.core.director.get_socket())" prints the path to the socket where the director listens for instructions. This is a randomized temporary path that is created when stepup is started. (For technical reasons, this path cannot be deterministic and must be read from .stepup/log/director.) By wrapping this command in STEPUP_DIRECTOR_SOCKET=$(...), the path will be assigned to an environment variable STEPUP_DIRECTOR_SOCKET, which will be available for the second Python call.
  • The part python -c 'from stepup.core.interact import run; run()' has the same effect as pressing r in the terminal where StepUp is running. The variable STEPUP_DIRECTOR_SOCKET tells which instance of StepUp to interact with. When StepUp runs scripts, they also use this environment variable to interact with the director process. As these are subprocesses of the director process, the variable is set automatically, so you don’t need to set it. This is only needed if processes other than subprocesses need to interact with the director, as in this example.

Configuration of a Task in VSCode

You can define a Custom Task in VSCode to rerun StepUp with the following tasks.json file:

  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "label": "StepUp run",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "STEPUP_DIRECTOR_SOCKET=$(python -c 'import stepup.core.director; print(stepup.core.director.get_socket())') python -c 'from stepup.core.interact import run; run()'",
      "options": {"cwd": "./path/from/project/root/to/stepup/root/"},
      "presentation": {
        "echo": true,
        "reveal": "silent",
        "focus": false,
        "panel": "shared",
        "showReuseMessage": false,
        "clear": true

The following keybindings.json file will bind ctrl+d to run the task:

    "key": "ctrl+d",
    "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask",
    "args": "StepUp run"


Remove paths (if they are outputs), recursively removing all consumer files and directories.


  • paths (str, default: () ) –

    A list of paths to consider for removal. Variable substitutions are not supported.


  • numf

    The number of files effectively removed.

  • numd

    The number of directories effectively removed.

Source code in stepup/core/
def cleanup(*paths: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
    """Remove paths (if they are outputs), recursively removing all consumer files and directories.

        A list of paths to consider for removal.
        Variable substitutions are not supported.

        The number of files effectively removed.
        The number of directories effectively removed.
    # Translate paths to directory working dir and make RPC call
    tr_paths = sorted(translate(path) for path in paths)


Write the workflow graph files in text and dot formats.

Source code in stepup/core/
def graph(prefix: str):
    """Write the workflow graph files in text and dot formats."""


Wait for the runner to become idle and stop the director.

This is the same as wait() followed by shutdown().

Source code in stepup/core/
def join():
    """Wait for the runner to become idle and stop the director.

    This is the same as `wait()` followed by `shutdown()`."""


Exit the watch phase and start running steps whose inputs have changed.

Source code in stepup/core/
def run():
    """Exit the watch phase and start running steps whose inputs have changed."""


Block until the runner has become idle.

Source code in stepup/core/
def wait():
    """Block until the runner has become idle."""


Block until the watcher has observed the deletion of the file.

Source code in stepup/core/
def watch_delete(path: str):
    """Block until the watcher has observed the deletion of the file.""", _rpc_timeout=None)


Block until the watcher has observed an update of the file.

Source code in stepup/core/
def watch_update(path: str):
    """Block until the watcher has observed an update of the file.""", _rpc_timeout=None)