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This tutorial demonstrates how StepUp tracks dependencies.


Example source files: getting_started/dependencies/

The following defines two steps, with the second making use of the output from the first.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from stepup.core.api import step
from stepup.core.interact import graph

step("echo First line. > ${out}; echo Second line. >> ${out}", out="story.txt")
step("grep First ${inp}", inp="story.txt")

The placeholders ${inp} and ${out} are replaced by the inp and out keyword arguments. (This happens early, before the steps are sent to the director process.)

The graph() function writes the graph in a few formats, which are used for visualization below.

Now run StepUp with two workers:

stepup -n -w2

You will see the following output:

  DIRECTOR │ Listening on /tmp/stepup-########/director
  DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 0
  DIRECTOR │ Launched worker 1
     PHASE │ run
     START │ ./
     START │ echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
   SUCCESS │ echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
     START │ grep First story.txt
   SUCCESS │ grep First story.txt
─────────────────────────────── Standard output ────────────────────────────────
First line.
   SUCCESS │ ./
  WORKFLOW │ Dumped to .stepup/workflow.mpk.xz
  DIRECTOR │ Stopping workers.
  DIRECTOR │ See you!

Despite the fact that StepUp has launched two workers, it carries out the steps sequentially, because it knows that the output of the first step will be used by the second.

Note, however, that the echo commands are already started before ./ has finished. This is the expected behavior: even without a complete overview of all the build steps, StepUp will start the steps for which it has sufficient information.


The script writes a few files to analyze and visualize the graphs StepUp uses internally. The file graph.txt is a detailed human-readable version of .stepup/workflow.mpk.xz:

             version = v1
             creates   file:./
             creates   step:./
                path =
               state = STATIC
          created by   root:
            consumes   file:./
            supplies   step:./

                path = ./
               state = STATIC
          created by   root:
            supplies   file:story.txt
            supplies   step:./
            supplies   step:echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
            supplies   step:grep First story.txt

             workdir = ./
             command = ./
               state = RUNNING
          created by   root:
            consumes   file:./
             creates   step:echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
             creates   step:grep First story.txt

step:echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
             workdir = ./
             command = echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
               state = QUEUED
          created by   step:./
            consumes   file:./
             creates   file:story.txt
            supplies   file:story.txt

                path = story.txt
               state = PENDING
          created by   step:echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
            consumes   file:./
            consumes   step:echo First line. > story.txt; echo Second line. >> story.txt
            supplies   step:grep First story.txt

step:grep First story.txt
             workdir = ./
             command = grep First story.txt
               state = PENDING
          created by   step:./
            consumes   file:./
            consumes   file:story.txt

This text format may not always be the most convenient way to understand how StepUp connects all the steps and files. A more intuitive picture can be created with GraphViz using the .dot files as input. The figures below were created using the following commands:

dot -v -Tsvg -o graph_supplier.svg
dot -v -Tsvg -o graph_creator.svg

The workflow in StepUp consists of two graphs involving (a subset of) the same set of nodes: the supplier graph and the creator graph.

Supplier Graph

This graph shows how information is passed from one node to the next as the steps are executed.


This is an intuitive graph showing the execution flow. A similar graph is used by most other build tools. Not shown in this diagram are the directories, which StepUp treats in the same way as files.

Creator Graph

This one shows who created each node in the graph:


This diagram is a little less intuitive and requires more explanation. Each node in StepUp’s workflow is created by exactly one other node, except for the Root node, which is its own creator. (Arrow not shown.) In this example, there are three nodes that create other nodes:

  • The root node is an internal node controlled by StepUp. Upon startup, StepUp creates root and a few other nodes by default:

    • The initial file
    • The initial ./ step (with working directory ./.)
    • The working directory ./ is created just like any other directory that is used.
    • The vaccum node is a special node to hold all the nodes to be deleted. In most visualizations it will not have any children as they are usually removed rather quickly.
  • The ./ step creates two nodes, see the two step() function calls in the script above.

    • The grep step.
    • The echo step.
  • The echo step creates one output file: story.txt.

This creator graph is used by StepUp to decide which steps to vacuum. For example, when is modified, all nodes created by the ./ step will be transferred to the vacuum node. If the new is recreated in the same way, its products are taken back from the vacuum node (including known file and step hashes). However, if the new defines different steps, vacuumed nodes that no longer exist in the new are effectively removed, after all steps have successfully completed. At this stage, any output files owned by vacuum will be removed from disk (if their last recorded hash still matches the hash of the file being deleted).

Try the Following

  • Run stepup -n -w2 again. As expected, the steps are now skipped.

  • Modify the grep command to select the second line and run stepup -n -w2 again. The echo commands are skipped as they have not changed.

  • Change the order of the two steps in and run stepup -n -w2. The step ./ is executed because the file has changed, but the echo and grep steps are skipped. This shows that is nothing but a plan, not its execution. When it is executed, it sends the plan to the director process.